Sunday, October 29, 2017

How to Organize Your Time Wisely

Three Methods: 
We've all heard the complaints that there just aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that needs to get done. A few basic organizational and time management skills can help you maximize the time you do have. Learn how to organize your time wisely to get more done in the time you have.

Identifying How You Spend Your Time

1. Keep track of daily activities. Monitor what you do on a daily basis and make a note of how much time you spend doing it. You might be surprised by how much time you actually waste throughout the day when compared to the actual amount of work you get done.[1]
  • Remember to also keep track of mundane tasks, like making breakfast, cleaning the house, showering, etc.
    2. Log all of your activities in a notebook. Once you have figured out what you do each day and how much time you spend doing it, write it into a notebook. Putting all of this information into one place and seeing it on one page will allow you to identify patterns and, potentially, areas where you may be wasting your time.[2]
    • Be comprehensive and clear when making entries into this notebook. Don't conflate separate events into one entry, don't overlook minor tasks, and be sure to write out exact times when assessing how your day breaks down.
    • It can be helpful to categorize certain types of activities. For example, write household chores in blue, work activities in red and leisure activities in black. This will help you visualize how your time is being spent.

      3. Assess how your time is spent. An hour a day spent zoning out? 2 hours to decide where to eat? 8 hours surfing the internet? Look for patterns in how you spend your time and determine what is necessary and what it is not.[3]
      • Do you waste time because you lack self-control? Do you procrastinate too often? Do you take on too much responsibility? These are all questions you need to ask yourself while assessing how you spend your time.[4]
      • You may find that you break up activities throughout your day in ways that don't make sense. For example, it is probably not wise to work for a half hour, then spend 10 minutes dealing with trivial matters, just to come back to work for another half hour. You will be more focused and productive if you just work for an hour and deal with trivial matters at a later time.
      • It is best to attack your tasks by "chunking". Chunking is a method in which you dedicate a predetermined amount of time to a single task without distractions.

        4. Consider adjustments. Now that you know exactly where and to what your time goes, start making active adjustments to your schedule. Make sure you identify areas that can’t or shouldn’t be reduced simply for time concerns. Just because something takes a long time doesn’t mean it is time wasted.[5]

        5. If you spend 3 hours a day sending work-related emails, it is unlikely you will be able to reduce the amount of time spent on this activity. However, if you are sending four or five personal emails between the work emails, you can definitely reduce the amount of time you dedicate to emails.

        6. Change your habits and norms. Whatever your time management problem may be, there is a solution. Once you have decided where you waste time or how you should be spending your time, you will need to make a concerted effort to change your time management habits.[6]
        • If you are spending too much time cleaning your house or cooking your meals, considering hiring domestic help like a maid or a cook. For some people, their time is more valuable than their money.
        • Maybe you spend a good chunk of your day surfing the internet aimlessly. You can restrict your access to the certain internet sites or social networking accounts when you are supposed to be working on something else.

        Avoiding Distractions
        Identify distractions in your life. The biggest threats to spending your time wisely are consistent distractions. You will want to figure out what types activities or which individuals tend to end up wasting your time. Whether it is a friend who just doesn’t stop talking or a guilty pleasure that draws you away from work, you can find ways to avoid these time wasters.[7]
        • If you spend a large chunk of your time on something that produces no desirable outcomes for you, it is likely just a distraction in your life that should be avoided.
        • Working in an office setting, you are likely to see many of your co-workers as distractions. Be sure to avoid small talk or worthless chit chat when you are on the clock. However, keep in mind that your attitude in the office is as important to your career advancement as time management skills, so don't be rude.


        Avoid long phone conversations. If you find you are spending a good amount of your time locked into long phone conversations, then you need to adjust your phone habits. Often times, you can achieve more in face to face meetings than you can on the phone- so cut out the long phone conversations.[8]
        • Many phone discussions, especially at the beginning or the end of the conversation, include superfluous and unnecessary conversations. People tend to lose focus and wander while on the phone, so be cognizant of that. Holding meetings in person provides more of an imperative to deal exclusively with work-related issues. This is because neither party is surrounded by distractions when a face-to-face meeting takes place.
          Don’t surf the web excessively. Many people use the internet as critical tool to accomplish the tasks they need to get done. However, just as many people are guilty of drifting over to useless news articles, sports highlights, and pictures of celebrities, kittens or puppies. Stay focused when you are on the internet. There are programs available that will block certain applications, websites and domains that can help reduce internet-related distractions.[9]
          • Avoid Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites when you are supposed to be focused on something else.
          • Googling various topics is also a dangerous time-waster. You may think you are just going to look up one quick thing and before you know it, you have been searching the vast depths of the internet for over 3 hours.
            Employ a “Do Not Disturb” sign. You are probably familiar with the sign you hang on your hotel room door. This sign can be equally effective in an office or workplace as well. You can get a sign like this by taking it from the next hotel you stay at, or you can print your own and attach it to the door of your work space when needed. This will eliminate the small talk that distracts you from your work.[10]
            • If you work from home, it is critical to have a dedicated work space of your own. Don't work in the common areas of your house, as the T.V., phone, or video game machine can easily distract you away from your work.[11]  


        Make time for unavoidable distractions. There are some distractions some people just can’t avoid. Sometimes it is your boss who wants to take time out of your day for a social chat or maybe an elderly family member that consistently needs help with simple tasks. Whatever these unavoidable distractions may be, if you plan for them in advance, they will not take critical time away from other projects and activities that need to get done.[12]

        Using Your Time Efficiently


        Write everything down. Don’t rely on your memory to get you through the tasks you need to get done. Write everything you need to do down in one spot and be prepared to reference this list often in order to achieve all of your goals.[13]
        • Even if a task seems minor or mundane, write it down. Your daily planner should be filled with small comments like "Call Steve," "Look up profit margins" or "Email boss."
        • Make sure you carry a notepad with you at all times and write down tasks as they come up. You think you will remember to write them down later, but you may not.


        Utilize a calendar. The simple addition of a daily calendar or planner to your set of organizational tools will help you organize time efficiently. Write down every new deadline, assignment or meeting that gets added to your schedule. Take time each morning to review your calendar for the day so you know what's ahead of you.[14]


        Avoid double-committing. Organize your schedule by avoiding overbooking yourself or committing yourself to too many projects or events at once. Check your calendar before agreeing to anything to verify that the time needed is free. This will keep your time organized and keep you in touch with your regular schedule. 

        Omit distractions. Organize your time productively by removing elements that could be distractions or cause you to get off track and behind schedule. Keep the television and video game system out of the area where you study or do the bills so you will focus on the tasks that need to be done first and save the fun stuff for later.[15]


        Prioritize your tasks. Manage your time wisely by planning to accomplish the most important or time-sensitive tasks first. Note these in your schedule with a special color highlighter or a small sticker. Schedule these top-priority tasks first to give yourself enough time to complete them, then work on less time-sensitive things around the prioritized ones.[16]
        • Be ready to change your priorities from time to time. Things do come up last minute and will require your immediate attention. You will have to stop what you are doing and refocus your energy and time on this last minute objective from time to time. Just be sure it does not occur too often.
        • If you find yourself consistently rearranging your priorities throughout the day, something is wrong. While minor adjustments to one's schedule can be expected, having to make consistent adjustments probably means you are not prioritizing properly in the first place.

          Be realistic. Allow yourself a realistic amount of time to complete each task. If you think something will take between a half hour and an hour to complete, give yourself the full hour. Being realistic about how long something will take will prevent you from getting overwhelmed or behind schedule.[17]
          • It is always safer to err on the side of caution and give yourself more time than you will need. If you finish your task early, you will be free to move on to the next task- which ultimately should not impact your productivity.
            Schedule the basics. Remember to include times for the everyday basics, like eating and showering, in your schedule. These might seem like second nature, but it's important to allow time for them among your other scheduled tasks to ensure that you don't skip them and that they don't put you behind schedule.

            Use a reminder system. Use simple reminders in addition to your daily planner to help remember important tasks or deadlines. Use sticky notes or voice or text alerts on your cell phone at certain times to remind yourself to do something or that you have something scheduled. This backup system will help keep you from forgetting things.[18]
            • Avoid relying on other people to remind you about something. They are just as likely to forget it as you are.
            • If something is extremely important, arrange multiple reminders for yourself. You can overlook a single sticky note or phone alert.
              Ask for help. Ask someone else for help and delegate smaller tasks if needed. It will benefit your schedule overall if you swallow your pride and ask someone to pitch in with a few small chores around the house or with taking care of dinner on a busy weeknight. [19]
              • Make sure you delegate responsibilities to qualified people. Someone getting the work done is not enough. You want them to get the work done well.
              • Don't make a habit of pawning off your work others. It does not reflect good time management skills. It just makes you look lazy and unmotivated.
                Gauge your productivity. From time to time, it is necessary to take a step back and analyze what you accomplished, how well you performed, and how much time it took. Taking stock of these aspects of your work and life can help you make changes to your schedule and daily pattern of operation, producing surprisingly effective results. 

                Reward yourself. Working too hard or too often can lead to a burnout, making it difficult to focus on even the simplest tasks. So, take some time to celebrate what you have accomplished from time to time and reward yourself with something you truly enjoy.[20]
                Make sure your down time is dedicated to enjoying yourself. Turn off your work phone and avoid answering emails. If you are mixing work with your leisure time, you really aren't rewarding yourself or avoiding burn out.
                If you work Monday to Friday, take the weekend off. If you have been working for three months straight on one project, take a brief vacation when you are finished with it.

Sidee Ku Noqon Kartaa Qof Guulaysta Allena Kasbada

Guushu waa galladaha eebe bixiyo mid kamida waliba tan ugu mudan, waa muraayad uu qofku ka arki karo maxsuulka wixii uu qabsaday ama munaasibado uu mawluhu ugu talo galay inuu farxad ka maroojiyo.

Waa mansab lagu muraaqoon karo miridho yar dabadood milicsiga arimo badanina ku minguuri karaan, waa muunad aaan cidna lagaga masuugi Karin iyo mahadhooyin xusid mudan oo farxad lagu majeerto.
Inkasta oo muddo yar kadib ay murugo bedeli karto , taas oo uu qayb laxaad leh ka ciyaaro qoraalka Alle iyo nasiibka qofku
Haseyeeshee dad badan oo aqoonyahanno isku sheega ayaa ku andacoonaya inuu qorshe guuleed iyo dadaal shakhsiyeed iyadoo fursadaha sidooda looga faaidaysanayo balse aanu jirin wax nasiib ahi, dadkuna markay dadaalaan fursaduna siday tahay uga faaidaystaan ee guul ay gaadhaan ay yidhaahdaan waa nasiib.
Taas oo aan filayo in lagu kala fikir duwanaankaro wallow aanan anigu sidaaa la qabin waxanan u dayndoonaa akhristayaasha qiimaha leh.
Fikradaha iyo wadooyinka lagu guulaysankaraaa waa badanyihiin oo siday ila tahay mooyee ma’aha kuwo aan kaligay go’aan ka gaadhi karo waxaan taas idinkula wadaagaana waa fikirkayga shakhsiga ah uun.
Waxa laga yaabaa in waddo aad u martay guul oo aad ku gaadhay guushii ay ku kale u noqoto gacanka ku rida guul darrada sidaas darteed badanaa layskuma hallayn karo taas ee waxa loo eegayaa oo ay ku xidhantahay wadciga, waayaha uu qofku ku jiro iyo hada wajiga uu leeyahay qaabka mar xaladda uu qofku ku suganyahay.
Waxaad ka dheregsantahay farqiga wayn ee u dhexeeya guusha iyo guul darrada oo isu jira inta cirka iyo dhulku isu jiraan.
Waxan aaminsanahay in qofka muslimka ah ee imaankiisu buuxo caqiidadiisuna saxda tahay aanu wax ilaahay ugu talo galay mooyaane gebi ahaanba nolosha ku guuldarraysanaynin balse waxa hubaala in inuu la kulmayo caqabado ayna soo marayaan guuldarrooyin farabdan iyo guulo badan imtixaan bandanna uu marayo oo larabo inuu sabir iyo xal kaga gudbo
Farqiga u dhexeeya guusha iyo guul darrada waxa mid la mid ahi uu u dhexeeyaa mooraal ka iyo damiirka qofka guul darraysta iyo kan guulaysta aaminsanow qoraalka iyo qadarka Alle balse samee dedaal iskuna day markasta oo adigu waxba ha kala hadhin dedaalkaaga inaad guulaysato ta Alle iyadu waa meel oo waa geed ka go’ane.
Bal ku samee is barbar dhig waxa aad ka taqaano hab-dhaqanka, odhaahyada, iyo fikirka dadka guulaysta had iyo jeer iyo kuwa lumiya guusha ee aa la garansiin.

• Dad ka guulaystaa had iyo jeer waxa ay qayb ka yihiin xalka kuwa guuldarraystaa se waa kuwo inta bdan qayb ka ah dhibta.

• Dadla guulaystaa had iyo jeer dhib kasta waxay ka dhex arkaan xal halka kuwa guul darrarystaa ay badanaa xal kasta ka dhex arkaan dhib, taas oo macnaheedu yahay qof ka chanceka guusha ku dadaalaya ee daacadda ka ahi waxa uu markasta isagoo degenaan muujinaya haddii uu la kulmo dhibaato oo ay isaga soo wajahdo am acid kale waxa uu darsaa dhibtaas xalka ka iman kara iyo habka loo mari karo xalkeeda meesha uu kan guul darrada u saaxibka ahi arkayo ama ay u muuqanayso dhibta oo qudhi ama xalkasta oo wanaag ku jiro waxa uu darsayaa oo uu markaba ka dhex arkayaa dhibaato waxaanad halkaas ka garanaysaa inaanay isku muraayad ba wax ka daawanaynin.

• Dad ka guusha u saaxiibka ahi waxay yidhaahdaan “way adkaan kartaa lkn waa suurto gal” lkn taas liddigeeda lossers ku waxay yidhaahdaan “waa suurto gal lkn way adagtahay”
Iyadoo ay yartahay ama aanay jirinba rajo ah in waxani suurto gali karo iyagoo walaacsan ayay danbaysiiyaan “way adagtaay”

• Dadka guusha u saaxiibka ahi waxay leeyihiin: qorshe iyo ballan qaad ka dibna ficil iyo wax qabad halka dadka guuldarraystaa badanaa ay leeyihiin iyagu: qorshe iyo ballanqaad kaliya marka aan la gaadhin ficilkana waxad ogtahay inaan la gaadhayn guusha waayo waxa laga yaabaa in inta ficilka iyo kaga dhabaynta ballanqaadka iyo qorshuhu kuu jiro ay guushuna kuu jirto waayo qorshe iyo ballanqaad kaliya oo aan ficil loo rogine meel kuma gaadhsiinayo ee halkaas ayaad taagnaanayasaa sida aynu wax kasoo tilmaanay qodobadii bilawga u ahaa maqaaladdeenan ee bilihii lasoo dhaafay.

• Guulaystayaashu waxay ku tiraabaan “waa inaan wax ku dhaqaaqnaa oo waxaas aan qabtaa” Halka guuldarraystayaashu ay ka yidhaahdaan “waa in waxaas la qabtaa”

• Dadka guulaystaa waxay arkaan midhaha guusha waxaanay ilaabaan rafaadka loo marayo
Halka taaa liddigeedana guul darraystayaashu ay arkaan kaliya rafaadka iyo xanuunka hawsha balse aanay arkin midhaha guusha



Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hadaba waa maxay qabyaalad iyo qabiil?

Hadaba waa maxay qabyaalad iyo qabiil?

Qabyaaladu waa hab Somalidu cadeeysatay oo ay mudo dheer ku soo dhaqmayeen kaas oo lagu amaanaayo qoys ama qabiil, qabiil kalana lagu yasaayo laguna caayaayo oo lagu fogeynaayo. Marka qabyaalada la’oogaayo waa marka larabo in qolo kale la dulmiyo laguna hamiyo jiritaanka qabiilka aad tahay oo qudha lagana diriro jiritaanka bulshada inteeda kale. Qofku malaha ma’adi uu isagu rumaysanyahay inay sax tahay iyo in nidaam bulsho oo kale midna ee wixii qabiil kiisa ka soo fula ayuunbuu sax u arkaa waxa umada kalena qalad ayuu u arkaa.
Qabiil waa koox bulshada ka mid ah kuwaas oo wadaaga abtirsiin kooban, waxaanay u si qaybsamaan Jilibo, Qoysas ugu danbayn waxaa kala baydha oo reero kala noqda laba Nin oo walaalo ah markay inama badan dhalaan ee inamadiina caruuro sii yeeshaan. Markastoo tirada abtirsiinta qoysku gaadho laba saddex awoow waxay isku badashaa jilib yar oo hoose, dadka walaalaha ahi markay guursadaan ee ay caruur sii dhalaan caruurtoodu waxay isku noqdaan ilmaadeer1, ilmaadeer2, Ilmaadeer3 xaga aabaha. Kadib wixii intaas ka danbeeya waxay isku badashaa “Tol” halkaas oo hadana qabiilkii kor uga unkamo oo uu marka hore noqdo jilib yar oo hoose deedna Qolo,Qabiil.
Runtii qabyaaladu waa jaahilnimo jaahilnimana laguma faano laakin maanta waa lagu faanaa. Xaga cadaalada oo noqota mid liidata ayay sababtaa qabyaladu.
Waxaan aad uga naxaa markasta isticmaalka qabyaalada iyo in dadka lagu kala sooco kanbaa reer hebela iyo kanbaa reer hebela taasina waa ta maanta hoos inoo dhigtay oo qayrkeen inaga reebtay.
Dhibaatooyinka ay qabyaaladu keento waa dhibaato aad u weyn waxana kamida:——————
Bulshada oo noqota umad dulmi iyo darxumo ku noolaata waligeed.
Jaahilnimada oo noqota mid lagu faano.
Xaqa & Cadaalda oo noqota in daciifnimo loo arko.
Bulshada oo aan waligood is aaminin shakina kala qabta markasta.
Danta guud iyo Dawladnimada oon waligeed si daacada loogu heshiin, qofkastaana diido cidii madax loo doorto hadii anu qabiilkiisa ahayn, kuna diido qabiilkiisa awgii, iyadoo laga yaabo ka reer kooda ah ee uu jagada larabo in uu yahay mid aan xilka loo dhiibayo u qalmin.
Marka ay dorasho noqoto in qofku dantiisa ilaawo oo uu ka fikiro dan qof kale oon waxaba ka quseyn dorashadana qof qabiil ku doorto halkaasna dantiisii iyo xornimadiisii ku waayo.
Hogaamiyaha dalka loo doorto & Masuuliyiinta kalaba inay waxay doonaan oo xumaan ah, sameeyaan cidna ka baqiwaayaan illayn waa umad qabyaaladi qaybisay oo awoodi iyo sharaftiiba ka qaadaye.
Aqoontii iyo horumarkii oo meesha ka baxa, maxaa yeelay guushu waxay timaadaa marka dadka kuu shaqaynayaa ay cidkasta leeyihiin oo meesha waxa soo galaya maskaxo kala duwan dabadeedna horumarka ayaa bilaabmaya.
Maanta dalka waxa ka socda qabyaaladii ugu xumayd .
Qabyaalada waa cudur kaas oo hadduu kugu abuurmo ay adag tahay sida loo daweeyo lakin loo baahan yahay in dadka lagu jeclaado diintiisa,aqoontiisa,dadnimadiisa,dhaqankiisa, iyo astaamo kasta oo wanaagsan oo qof ibnu aadani ahi leeyahay.
Dadku waa dad wada dhashay, isu diina ah ,oo isku dhaqana laakin ma wanaagsan oo adoo qof masuul ah inaad isticmaasho kalmado dadku kugu nacayaan oo qabyaalad laga dhadhaminayo.
Qabyaaladu waxay sababtaa inaad xoolahaaga waydo oo waayo, markaad qofkasta aad ku shaqaalaysiiso reernimo waxay sababaysaa inaad dadkii aqoonta lahaa aad ka tagto. Tusaale ahaan haddii uu kuu shaqayn jiray qof ka baxay jaamacad oo haysta shahaado degree ah oo aynaan isku reer ahayn laakin uu yahay qof ka adag shaqadiisa horumarna meesha gaadhsiin kara. Ka dibna aad ku badasho qof reerkiina oo aan wax aqoona oo sidaa u wayn aan lahayn laakin aad niyada galiso wuu iskala qabsan ka dibna uu ku fashilmo shaqadii aad eexda u galisay. miyaanay ahayn ceeb iyo horumar la,aan.
Hadaba qabyaaladi maaha sharaf ee ha laga fogaado qofkastana waxa looga baahan yahay inuu iska ilaaliyo ,wax lagu faanana maaha ee waa wax laga faano.waxaana wanaagsan qofkasta oo doonaya in loo shaqeeyo inuu dadka ku soo xusho aqoontooda iyo diintooda dhaqankooda iyo kartitooda si uu u gaadho hiigsigiisa iyo hamigiisaba.
Gabo gabo
Waxaan ku soo gabagabaynayaa in dadku siman yahay qabyaaladuna tahay shay dadka ku sameeya qiimo dhac waxaana qof kasta looga baahan yahay inaanu isticmaalin qabyaalada iyo qorigaba .
Qabyaalada sharaf ma leh
Qabyaaladi qayrkaa bay kaa reebtaa
Qabyaaladi qiimo la laha.
Qabyaaladeey qarsoonaw
Qabyaaladu waa cadawga ummada
Qabyaaladu waa cadawga horumarka cidkasta
Qabyaaladey lagaa Guur
Sidaasana inoo roon
Qoonkasto horumaray Wax kula qeybsanayn
Qabyaaladey ku baranay.

Xigasho-Ururka Dabargoynta qabyaalada iyo daryaaleka dhibanaha.
By rahma haji.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

13 Dhaqan Oo Ay Iska Ilaaliyaan Dadka Caqliga Badani.

1.Wakhtiga iskagama qaadaan qooma-mayn ,nolosha sida caadiga ah ma sahlana , waayaheedu wuu fara badan yahay , wixii ku dhaafay dib ha u  eegin , mustaqbalka ka fakar.

2.Cidkale in ay maskaxda ka qabsato way iska ilaaliyaan , Ra’yigooda iyo Maskaxdooda ayay ka socdaan , waxa ay awoodaan in ay dareen kooda iyo caadifadooda xakameeyaan.

3.Isbadalka kama baqaan , waxa ay jecel yihiin markasta in ay sameeyaan isbadal wanaagsan.

4.Dadaal badan kuma bixiyaan arrimaha aan ganatooda ku jirin;sida arrimaha dabiiga ah oo kale.Tusaale :Hadduu tukaanka aad wax ka iib sanayaan buuxo,dadaal badan kuma bixiyo sidii uu dadka oo dhan uga hormari lahaa.

5.Iskuma dayaan in ay dadka oo dhan raalli galiyaan, maxaa yeelay waa arrin aan suurto gal ahayn.

6.Waa qof khatarta u badheedha oo aan marnaba ka baqan,laakiin wuu xisaabtamaa  khatartana xadidaa.

7.Wixii la soo dhaafay ka sheekeyn tooda wakhti is kagama lumiyaan., wakhtigana iskama qaadaan.

8.Khalad laba jeer kuma soo celceliyaan, oo Nabiguba (NNKH) waxa uu yiri xadiis macnihiisu ahaa Mu’min god laba jeer lagama qaniino.

9.Guulaha dadka kale kama Masayraan , guushuna dadaal un bay ku timaadaa.

10.Markay isku day fashilma sameeyaan ma quustaan, mar labaad ayay meeshii ka sii wadaan isku day kale.

11.Kama baqaan in ay gooni joog noqdaan oo ay si gaara u fakaraan , si ay arrimahooda gaarka ah u xalliyaan.

12.Naftooda ayay ku tashadaan cidna taageero kama sugaan , qofkuu doonaba ha noqdee.

13.Natiija dagdag ah ma filaan , guul dagdag ah kuma tashadaan, hadday guul dagdaga gaaraana layaab kuma noqoto.

All Mahad leh.